STO Cryptic’s Top MMO

According to data tracking from STO is the 19th largest MMO based on active users and is slightly ahead of number 21 Neverwinter. Neverwinter has more total users however. There are some 130 plus games tracked by the service.

You would think Cryptic might want to spice up the experience a little because they have 1.8 million players but only 170,000 are active players. Less than ten percent. Of course that is significantly better than Neverwinter which has 2.2 million players and 150,000 active. In all fairness Neverwinter is getting its ass handed to it by Elder Scrolls Online. The sword and sorcery genre is a bit bloated with games each drawing a little away from the others.

Star Trek has a loyal fanbase and that is most likely why the game remains high in the rankings. But Cryptic should not rest on its laurels here, they have an opportunity to tap into those 1.7 million or so occasional or dormant players. They need to give us some more variety of play style. Star Trek is vast in lore and potential content. Star Wars The Old Republic has 7.6 million users with 286,000 active. I find that game to be hard to solo. You really need groups and PuGs are awful on that game from my experience. I hardly ever play it in fact its probably been a year since I logged on and I have two toons.

With the loyalty among the Trek faithful and a little bit of effort to soften the grind nature of the game, and maybe tap some of the ideas expressed right here on this blog and others across the world. Cryptic could leap back into the top ten where they once were with BOTH Neverwinter and STO.

What do you all think?

3 thoughts on “STO Cryptic’s Top MMO

  1. I make big cummies on that STO big time that’s why they call me BIGDADDYSTO 😎😎😎. I love flying bigships and even bigger spacebar, those nerds have nothing on STO and that is a FACT πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

  2. sto is ok but my issue is the leftist guilds & fleets that exist in there i mean, give me a break, keep politics out of star trek online and its a good game, better than any otherr mmo out there

    i have completed the game solo and got some massive dps records, my girlfriend says i can play sto for as long as i want, while she sleeps with brad from nextdoor, this is a good arrangement for me, i get my needs & she gets hers, sometimes they are in the same room while i am running another infected space elite solo, i have gotten really good at the game

    thank you for the amazing 10/10 article would read again & have shared it with my friends

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